Happy October!!!! Annnd I meant every exclamation I typed. October is everything: it’s fall, it’s nature, it’s crafting, it’s warmth. And you may know by now – I am huge on making plans. To me, putting it in writing solidifies it. If I write it, I’ll do it. Fall is my favorite season, so I want to make it count! Here’s what I’m planning…
1. List my shawls. I created this newย shawl & scarf, and just finished shooting them. I have just one of these mustard shawls the shop – the yarn is discontinued.
2. Take a few days off. This weekend we’re headed to Big Sur & San Francisco! It’s my first weekend off in quite some time and the first vacay in months. Even on the way to Sequoia I had last minute projects, so this time I’m leaving my laptop home.
3. Revamp my closet. I’m so uninspired by my clothes right now. Working from home can = PJs all day (not trying to complain!) and 90 degree weather totally kills my fall vibes. Whether I thrift or blow all my money on an online shopping binge, I’m determined to deal with this, stat.
4. Transfer to WordPress. I use WordPress exclusively for every blog I write on except my own and I’m starting to cave. I even designed a mockup of my new look. If any of you have tips for transferring, please do tell. I plan to keep my name & some of my favorite posts, but other than that – all will be fresh and new and more “me”.
5. Read, read, read. Where does the time go? I always try to make time for reading but it gets pushed down the list. Yet when I force myself to pick a book off my shelf, take a walk, and head to a quiet cafe for an hour or two – it’s always worth it.
6. Put me first.ย When I’m happy, I’m a better person, basically, but lately things have gotten in the way. I heard some advice in regard to writing: to be your true self – the writer you know you are – you have to start putting it first. Will you disappoint, piss off, or confuse people? For sure. But if writing (or whatever) is in you, you gotta put in the time to become who you were meant to be. I love it and I’m sticking to it this month… Now it’s out in the open so it’s pretty much guaranteed.
7. Plan my trip home. It’s a little bittersweet – some of the plans I’ve made for Seattle have already fallen through, but I want to be optimistic, see as many old friends as I can see, and do some super touristy Seattle things that I miss like crazzzzy.
8. Go outside. What this means… I’ll always be figuring out. But my goal all day, every day? To immerse myself in the simultaneously serene, exhilarating, and striking beauty of the native world. Kiiinda hard in a city of 3.8 million (!!!) people.
9. Become a foodie. Can’t lie, I love eating out. Trying new food has been one of my favorite things about living here, but it’s easy to fall in that trap of only eating at my go-to spots. My goal for this month is to venture out into the (cheaper) LA food scene!
10. Celebrate fall. There’s only so many autumns you get in life. Sure, it’s different here than anywhere else, but you can find the cozy feeling & crisp air if you know where to look.
Cheers to celebrating October!
Great goals for the month! Let me know if you find anything yummy in LA– I’d love to try it out!
For sure!
Happy october, sounds like you have been making some awesome plans ๐
Obsessed with that scarf! It’s such a pretty pattern! ๐
One, I love that scarf! Two, this list is amazing! I really need to revamp my closet, or at least make it more organized! I also want to go outside more and enjoy fall!
Nice post. Oct is love because I have my birthday in oct. ��
I was wondering when would you announce the winner of the giveaway.
Happy birthday to you!
So sorry for not announcing it here on the blog yet, but luckily Jenn did in her blog post. See it here – the winner is Becca ๐ http://earlgreyblog.com/2014/10/september-in-review.html
Aww thanks.
Congratulations to Becca ๐
Have a great day Angela.
This is a great list. I have a few very similar things on mine. One of which is to get back into knitting. I haven’t done it in years, and I feel like it will be a good fall/winter hobby to pick back up.
yes! such a great list! i am thinking i’m overdo for one ๐ i love making lists as well!