This month my intention is to read more and write better. To get in the swing of things, I’ve been doing free writes off of online prompts. Seeking out inspiring prompts can take hours though. And when I came up with spring blogging ideas, I realized that I can actually dream them up quite quickly, it’s just that when I’m stuck I always feel like I need external help to get started. Having this to refer to will be nice for me, and hopefully anyone else who wants to write this month too.
The other reason I was motivated to brainstorm writing prompts is because June is a month full of change. Three years ago this month I graduated college (*what?*) and two years I moved 1200 miles down the west coast. And after reading the memoir-themed edition of the latest Creative Nonfiction, I’m finding new ways to connect the memories of those changes to how they influence me presently. I know I’m not alone in collecting milestones for the month of June, so here are 20 writing prompts loosely based around that theme, either for your journal, blog, essays, or future memoirs…
one. Think about the month of June growing up–the end of the school year, the changes in the weather, etc.–and write a description of what you remember feeling during these moments. Focus on senses rather than concrete experiences.
two. Log all the milestones you remember taking place in the month of June, no matter how big or small. Write a short description of each so you have a list to go off of later on. You can also do this for another person in your life–your child, partner, parents, etc.
three. At different times during the month, go back and choose one of the previously logged milestones to write about. Consider its importance and how life would be different had it not happened at all.
four. Choose a photo that you know was taken in June/summer. If you remember the setting, make up a scene that’s different from how you/the subject experienced it in the photo. If you don’t know or remember it, create a story from what you imagine.
five. Describe the month of June (to you personally) in four words. Is this how you would describe July and August, too? Why or why not?
six. It’s easy to write about summer with a sense of nostalgia. Write about a June experience from a different angle, whether that means choosing a feeling other than longing or changing the tense.
seven. Write about a favorite summer treat or meal. Focus on creating an experience for the reader rather than just describing the food.
eight. The pool, the lake, or the ocean? Why?
nine. Write about June from the perspective of another person, such as someone still in school if you aren’t or someone in a different part of the world than you.
ten. What do you remember about the end of the school year as a child? Signing yearbooks, going on field trips? Try to recall things you haven’t thought about in years.
eleven. Recall the last day of the school year in a class you dreaded. Then write about the last day from your teacher’s perspective.
twelve. Describe your ideal early summer night.
thirteen. Do you have any negative memories associated with this month? Spend 15 minutes unearthing any negative feelings.
fourteen. Make note of a quintessential summer experience you didn’t have as a kid. It might be easy; you might have to dig deep. Now that you’re older, do you still feel you missed out?
fifteen. If your summer bucket list consisted of only three things, what would they be? Now is the time to figure out how you’re going to make it happen!
sixteen. Write a graduation story in under 500 words, whether it’s yours, someone you know, or fiction.
seventeen. Choose another summer-related photo. Describe everything in the background of the photo, basing none of your story on the subjects.
eighteen. Imagine you’re planning a gathering to celebrate June. Write about what needs to be done to make this a great party–the theme, the food, the guest list. Afterward, if you’re not planning on putting it into action, write about why. If you are, now you know what to do!
nineteen. What summer activity do you dislike? Is there anything summer related you’re just not into?
twenty. Describe the local weather in June. What is this the perfect time of year for?
Hope you get some use out of these prompts this month, whether or not you decide to blog them.
LOVE this!! Summer can be a tough time to come up with blog posts because so many people have different experiences of summer. Travel, volunteering, grilling, or just continuing to work– it’s hard to think of something that everyone can relate to. These are excellent ideas!
Hope you come up with some good stuff from these ideas! 🙂