An unsuspecting Verve coffee shop underneath a curious vintage sign.
it’s the nature of social media. once you start taking photos on your phone where ever you go, whether for a client or just that perfect instagram, you start to do it, assignment or not. i used to take my camera everywhere, and little adventures like all the happenings a couple weekends ago reminded me just why. there’s always more to see, even on the streets you roam time and time again.
Verve DTLA is pretty much the prettiest place you could ever go to work.
$1 to get into the los angeles flower market.
clearly totally worth it.
pop up shops are a big deal in LA. i usually go for the pretty temp setups.
for part of our anniversary celebration, kevin and i went to the IMAX and natural history museum. not without a little time spent exploring the grandeur that is USC. at first, i was as enchanted as the first time i set foot on a college campus. as we walked, i became more and more grateful for the experience i had at my much smaller school.
the best exhibit at the natural history museum, which i’ve seen a couple of times. the rocks and minerals. every kind imaginable. more than you could dream. this is just the gift shop outside.
the next day, breakfast in echo park. this neighborhood gets me!
and some time at home styling photos and a post for the blog market. see the finished product here.
a stop in echo park isn’t complete without a visit to shout and about. shop online if you’re not in LA!
even though i’ll always scoop up a chance to relax on the couch, i love these packed kinda weekends.
Love that planner!