Happy Earth Day! Can’t believe April is almost over: National Poetry Month and Earth month, not to mention all our birthdays. Earth Day is one of the most underrated holidays. Hardly anyone I know celebrates it, except kids in school. Let’s be real: are you celebrating Earth Day? Besides just the general acknowledgement that we should all recycle more? I’m not better. I always want to celebrate it.
Earth Day falls in a category for some people similar to Friendship Day and Grandparents’ Day. They’re worthy of a day of recognition, but we take them for granted. Earth is amazing and we should be nice to it and be aware of the implications of our actions (I’m looking at you all, men that I see on the streets of LA daily, tossing trash onto the ground, as if it innocently slipped from your hands). And we need to take a step back and realize all that earth is offering us each and every day that we’re not seeing because we’re in homes and offices and in cars in traffic. Go on a walk. Head to the beach, even if it’s not hot out. Stop to listen to all the sounds you hear. Think about how many species of birds live in your neighborhood.
In the spirit of being creative on this wonderful day, here are crafty ways to celebrate nature:
5 Challenges to Celebrate Nature AND Creativity
1. Take a photo (outside) a day. Daily photo challenges instantly spark creativity. Head outside each morning or evening, and challenge yourself to see your neighborhood in a way you haven’t before.
2. Upcycle something you’d normally throw away. Before you throw that bottle into the recycling bin, think of how to give it a second life.
3. Package your gifts/orders without plastic. Once upon a time I bought from an amazing Etsy shop that boasted all their eco-friendly practices. I was very excited until it arrived in an excessive amount of plastic and packing materials. If you normally don’t use environmentally friendly materials, it can challenge you to think creatively in terms of packaging, using recycled or less wasteful materials, while maintaining the polished look you’re going for.
4. Do one thing/errand a week without a car. If you’re used to driving everywhere, it might seem like a challenge. But really, the most challenging part is changing your mind. Look up some of the regular errands you go on, you’d probably be surprised at how close they really are to you. You can take this time to enjoy the walk, think about projects, make plans, and think about how else to incorporate sustainable practices into your life. 🙂
5. Turn a Pinterest DIY eco-friendly. Take a DIY you’ve been really wanting to do, and challenge yourself to turn it into a totally waste-free project.
Happy Earth Day! Let me know if you take on any of these challenges! 🙂
Love this post sweetie! xo!!