I don’t exactly do resolutions. I see their value and *love* to talk about goals, but I’m really more of a planner. Resolutions are a little vague for me. They’re generally about very important mental and physical changes like being more positive or becoming more healthy. I agree and those are things I am continually working on and do have goals about. But, and I think to hold myself more accountable in a way, I like to write down my plans for the year like an extended to-do. I know, it sounds so boring. Maybe it’s more like a bucket list. Plus, with plans, it’s okay if they change and evolve over time. Some things things don’t go as planned and I feel much better about changing a small plan than abandoning a resolution. Hopefully these little plans add up to those resolutions over time and lead me to be more positive and more healthy and more x and more y. Only time will tell! Here’s my list: