Still love these colors…even in fall!
Inspirational art prints
Lately I have been so busy with work, searching for writing gigs, coming up with DIY ideas, and generally being exhausted that I haven’t known what to blog about or how to even prepare a post.
I haven’t exactly been eating right + I’ve been getting headaches more than the usual (which is often enough). When you’re a full-time student you are working the day + night through, but you have these gaps in your schedule that can be hours long and that has become regular to me.
We’ve also started looking at apartments because as fun as it is living at home with my family, I am going to go stir crazy from being in an office 40 hours a week and coming home to the same thing I’m used to. I decided since we couldn’t do much besides drive around, I’d look up some home decor on Etsy and Pinterest to keep me sane. When I didn’t have a job I felt lost, and now there aren’t enough hours in the day…but if I have this attitude I’ll never be happy!
Anyway, I’ve favorited a ton of illustrations that I’d love to have in my future apartment.
I am thinking to get the most out of my money I should buy a few smaller prints and cards to frame. What do you think? Just plaster them all over the walls, huh? I wonder what the boyfriend will think.
Sometimes I need a few words to get me going! Small Talk Studio‘s got that down.
I’ll probably end up with this fall print from Ana Victoria. She has a website too.
Ultimately, I am happy to be working, saving money again, and working toward some big changes. If I want something I’ll have to go for it and I am feeling that more than ever with my life outside of the full-time gig.
Fall in Seattle has finally arrived. Right now it’s absolutely pouring and the sky is fantastically bright and I am cozy inside next to my yarn and peppermint mocha…life can’t be too bad.
New vintage this week
ahh… I can blog again now that my site is cleaned up. I equate it to not being able to get work done when your room is a mess and your dishes aren’t done.
So now I can pay attention to the great items I’m uploading to our shop this week!
They are pieces that are warm enough for the changing weather, but still a little reminiscent of the brightness of summer.
Of course, plaid screams fall no matter what you do. I love October!
But the changing trees can’t shake me of my love for a good floral print.
Check out the shop for more!
Photographer Isabelle Lafrance
Have you seen Isabelle’s photography on Etsy? She works from Montreal, and her shop, IsabelleLafrance, has a breathtaking collection of photos that take you through the seasons. I saw her shop when I was searching autumn photography and favorited this photo. You probably know I am a little obsessed with nature photography, soft light, and pretty autumn color tones, so when I saw her shop I knew I wanted to share it!
What is your favorite photograph? You can see more of them (many black and white) on her professional website, as well as her Photoshop and photo editing work (and freebies!) I think her art combines creativity with digital photography and an artistic eye perfectly, and I hope to see more photos soon.
Goal no. 48: read books from childhood
One of my goals has been to read five of my favorite books from when I was little. I wanted to reread the ones that I had a distinct memory of, and relive those moments when I was lost in a chapter book. It has been a little over a year since I started my 101 goals in 1,001 days project, and I’ve finished three books from my childhood. The fourth is “The House At Pooh Corner,” one of AA Milne’s masterpieces! I read the first book in a sitting (is that really something to boast about, being a children’s book and all?) and it just put me in a happier mood. To be honest, sometimes I have a few perfectly interesting/good/intriguing books on my shelf for me to read, but I pick up Winnie the Pooh instead. It’s relaxing sometimes to read without actually feeling like you’re reading, you know? I love reading but I am the type of person that has to be in a certain mood to read a certain genre…sometimes I over-think the very thought of reading to the point where I don’t get anything finished. Often, I’m too eager to start a new book to pay attention to the book I’m reading! It’s kind of embarrassing, calling myself a lit-lover, when for a week all I might read is an illustrated chapter from this book. As I’m reading it, I’m reminded of the animated series, and know everything the characters are about to say and do. Who knows? Maybe Winnie the Pooh is somehow subconsciously why I majored in English and want to make writing part of my life’s work.
I’ve also read two titles from Sharon Creech, and not too long ago (before I officially made that goals list) I reread The BFG. I think I may move on to The Magic Treehouse series next. What are your favorite children’s books?
Sail away recycled greeting card
A cute greeting card made from materials I had at home…
kraft paper, vintage thesaurus page, a post-it, and a rubber stamp. This is my favorite stamp.
PS: Contributing on Under A Peacock Moon‘s blog today! Check it out here.