Happy Earth Day! I hope you found time to celebrate the B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L planet we live on. I’ve been searching all week for a comprehensive list of simple things we should always to do respect the environment and make it a better place for all of us live! Unfortunately, I found no such list. There is just so much to be said.
A lot of bloggers are crafty/DIY people. Handmade is pretty much always better than mass produced. But we should all think about where we get our materials. There is often a better alternative. I especially love seeing paper crafters who use only recycled items. Paper is such an abundant resource that I don’t really see a need to buy more.
Many of us use recyclable bags already. But if you buy a lot of veggies, you might want to think about how much plastic you use for each of those.
If everyone made a small change in the way they use plastic, we’d eliminate SO much waste.
When I first came to college, I figured everyone was like me– obsessive passionate recycler, conscious about wasting things, tries to save energy – but that’s not true. I live in a very environmentally conscious city, but I’ve still met plenty of people that throw garbage bags of recyclable material away constantly.
These bloom+grow and party favor projects are simply amazing. You don’t need to have an Earth Day party, but if you have some things lying around that would normally be trashed, it would be fun to make a newspaper party hat or a chip-bag garland.
If you work at a business that has a lot to throw away, consider all the alternative uses for those items. When I worked at a gift shop I’d bring home the cardboard boxes and use them when I sold things on eBay.
The most important thing you can do is educate yourself and others. Some areas that people need to know about are: pollution, waste, energy, sustainability, and animal safety.
Great post for Earth Day! We should do our part. What a difference it would make.
Beautiful Post!!
Just found your blog and love it, I’m a new follower for sure!!!
was wondering if you’d like to do a button swap!?