These are some cookies I made from See Jane in the Kitchen’s recipe. I discovered her food blog and thought these didn’t look too hard, but they do look delicious! Can you believe she just thought up the recipe while looking at some Oreo’s?
I have been planning to make a few batches of Christmas cookies for awhile because I wanted something nice to give to anyone who might want baked goods! (so, everyone?) Unfortunately, I am so not good in the kitchen. For some reason, when it comes to following recipes, I don’t pay enough attention to detail and always do something wrong. Always. This time, I followed the recipe with careful attention – and thankfully Kevin was there because he stopped me from almost putting one more egg than necessary (Yep… don’t know what I was thinking) and we got through three different types of cookies! We also made brown sugar drop cookies which were yummy, and regular sugar cookies. The cookies ‘n cremes are the best in my opinion.
For some reason I really can’t do sugar cookies, however. I’ve looked up tips but they always harden way too fast. So cookies ‘n creme for Christmas it is!
Those look yummy and creative!
Those look good! I think any cookie can be a Christmas cookie as along as someone likes it!
Neat idea!
Look yummy!I have been in Christmas goody making mode myself..only one band-aid required (so far)!