I finally bought myself some really beautiful handspun, hand dyed yarn for no reason other than to crochet myself a little present. Isn’t it so pastel-pretty? I whipped up this women’s crochet earwarmer which is just like the ones in my shop, only with just one strand of yarn because of the thick wool. I bought the yarn off Etsy from twistedwool (almost didn’t want to link back because I so want to go back & buy the rest!) and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the color mix but I’m in LOVE. All my favorite subtle, girly springy, almost Easter-eqsue colors in one skein!
I wish I could afford to stock my shop with only crochet accessories made from hand dyed yarns. For the fall, I hope to be able to provide a few pieces. Unfortunately I’d have to price items much, much higher – which is so worth it – but my goal is to provide amazing handmade accessories to people like me, who wouldn’t be able to afford to shop on Etsy if it weren’t for those more affordable shops. And being able to do that is really important. Buying in bulk & during sales has helped a lot, but I definitely can’t wait to be able to add more color combos to my inventory.
Around the same time I received my wonderful yarn in the mail, my boyfriend brought me to a new craft store when I was feeling a little down, and I got some new crafts just for fun. Sometimes I’m so busy thinking of the purpose of each of the things I make – i.e., to sell, to adorn my home, to function in a specific room, etc., that I don’t just buy that cute letter “A” or craft journal, or whatever.
What have you made lately? What do you do when some of your favorite materials are too expensive?
I’m interested to see what you are going to do with the letter A! Also love the colors of the hand dyed yarn!
I am planning to paint it but I’m not sure what I’ll actually do with it after!
Kudos to your boyfriend for knowing that taking you to the craft store was the best medicine. 🙂
I also need to remember to just craft for fun, to experiment, play…with no specific outcome in mind. Some of my best creative “accidents” have happened that way! Thanks for the reminder.
Also, I think I commented on IG already but that yarn is so pretty. <3
I love experimenting but it was also really nice to just crochet what I know for awhile too with that new yarn! I will definitely be buying more.
I love me some sparkles. Never sure what is “overdoing it” when I have the sparkles on the art desk…
What a gem of a boyfriend you have! Craft stores are indeed medicinal for girls like us!
Popping over from the EBT…
I’m pretty sure I am always overdoing it with sparkles!
I am the same as you, I’m a bargain shopper, so it’s always been important to me, to offer quality goods in my shop for an affordable price. But I’m learning there’s nothing wrong with having a variety of target markets, so I’m too, working on adding some higher priced items, to compliment the lower ones… And I also tend to always try new things, with the anticipation of selling them… it’s so hard to just let go and do what you want with no strings attached, but we NEED to do this kind of art/crafting sometimes, it’s freeing, and I think inspiring too.
Recently I started reading The Right Brain Business Plan, and I’m thinking I need to get my very first art journal, just for this… 🙂
p.s. That’s super cute that your BF took you to a craft store, to cheer you up, he’s a keeper! 😀
I should read that! I think my art journal is the one place I just throw things together that I love and mix it with whatever I’m thinking to write down – it’s very relaxing 🙂
Love the yarn colours too! I plan on hammering some metal this weekend, I need to make something new!