Happy May! Can you believe it? If you’re up for a little crafting this weekend, why not try a quick DIY?
Now that I have a little creative studio separate from the rest of my apartment, I can finally think of decor. It’s a small nook with doorways on two walls and windows on the other two, and I want the one large wall to be blank for shooting, so I have to be very intentional about decor. I have room for this little DIY and one or two more. Here’s the how-to and results…
You’ll need:
Felt (including one stiff felt for the banner itself)
Hot glue + gun
Stick or twig for hanging
DIY Felt Banner
1. Cut out your banner from the sheet of stiff felt.
2. Cut out all letters first, arrange to see how you’d like them to sit, and adhere with hot glue.
3. Line your stick with glue and attach to the top of banner.
4. Tie or glue on string for hanging.
My letters are quite crafty to say the least. Take a peek at Charity’s banner to see an example of someone who can cut letters straight without tracing (it’s an art, really).
This is SO cute. I have some felt in my craft room that I bought specifically to make a banner like this.