If you want to make this yourself, you will need:
*Paper hearts, cut or punched. | I have them from dictionary scraps, magazine scraps, and white tissue paper scraps – the tissue paper is transparent which gives it a unique look. Also, most of my pieces use the same neutral tone.
*Scissors & Glue | A glue stick can work fine depending on your surface.
*A backing for the project | They sell 12×12″ pieces of cork board at Fred Meyer, and craft stores.
*A piece of paper to first glue the paper to, though this may not be necessary.
I first cut out hearts from less than 1/2″ wide to 1.5″ wide. If you use tissue paper, be conscious of what color paper you glue it on as it will show through a bit.
Glue the hearts one by one in rows across the page. I just put a dab of glue on the paper and stick it on, so that some sticks up. I go from left to right.
Swiping the glue downward before putting each heart on is an easy way to do it.
I kept them in a semi-straight line until the bottom row. The goal is not to have any “white” space showing, and only hearts. It’s okay if you don’t cut every heart perfectly, because almost half of it is covered anyway. Then if you are using cork board, you can attach the paper with thumb tacks and hang it on the wall.
The finished piece, shown in the first photo, has a vintage millnery flower bouquet attached by a tack. I didn’t want to use it as a tag board because I already have one of those, but it makes a nice little piece on the blank wall above my craft drawers.
It’s a cheap, easy, fun DIY project for those with a little extra wall space just waiting to be filled. Enjoy 🙂
Great idea! …and perfect for Valentine’s Day too!
A very nice idea… thank you for sharing!
So cute!!