Whenever I’m stressed out, Kevin’s go to suggestion is to do arts and crafts. A lot of times, I come up with an excuse. There are a lot of problems (insert relaxation method) doesn’t solve. But solutions sometimes aren’t what we need. Change, however small, can be the answer. We went to an art sale at the park the other day and on the way back stopped by the art supply store, me finally heeding his advice. It’s one of those legit art stores. Nothing crafty about it. I mean, I love paints but those tubes of color are intimidating. I thought I’d try my hand at pastels, like I have many times before, one of my favorite materials as a kid… Second only to watercolor.
Monday was as Monday often is, so I took a break for pastels. My choices were mini canvases or lined paper. It was almost frustrating how hard it was to force my hands to create with these. It wasn’t just that I didn’t have the technique, but that I had no ideas. Nothing was flowing from me. At one point, I began writing with them, because sometimes it’s all I know how to do. I was writing art manifestos before I knew it. In the end, there was no masterpiece. No finished product. Just color and effort. Like a kid completing an assignment in class, not even sure themselves of what they’ve done. The process of creation is humbling. Sometimes the pretty mess is all you’re left with.
PS: Thank you to those of you who read my journaling post the other day. I’m working on a journaling project I’ll share next week so if you’re interested in possibly being a part of it, please do check back!
oh my gosh, i remember playing with these as a kid! love how they feel.. almost feels like gliding across paper 🙂
Right? I’m determined to figure out what I’m doing 🙂
Even if all you made was a pastel mess, it was a pretty mess! I used to do watercolor, but I haven’t done it in years… maybe I should pick up a little sketchbook and start doodling in it again.
A journaling community sounds awesome, since I am the type that tends to enjoy the act of bouncing thoughts and ideas off each other.
p.s. I don’t know if this helps, but lately I’ve been inspired by the work of Robin Mead. Simply looking at her art makes me want to paint again!
OMG! You should try water soluble pastels. I love Caran d’ache Neo Color II (you can order them from Amazon) because it combines the best of both worlds – watercolor and pastel. Plus the colors are luscious! I remember using oil pastels as a kid too, so thought I would try them again. So much fun!
Oh, great suggestion!! Will definitely be trying!