One of my goals has been to read five of my favorite books from when I was little. I wanted to reread the ones that I had a distinct memory of, and relive those moments when I was lost in a chapter book. It has been a little over a year since I started my 101 goals in 1,001 days project, and I’ve finished three books from my childhood. The fourth is “The House At Pooh Corner,” one of AA Milne’s masterpieces! I read the first book in a sitting (is that really something to boast about, being a children’s book and all?) and it just put me in a happier mood. To be honest, sometimes I have a few perfectly interesting/good/intriguing books on my shelf for me to read, but I pick up Winnie the Pooh instead. It’s relaxing sometimes to read without actually feeling like you’re reading, you know? I love reading but I am the type of person that has to be in a certain mood to read a certain genre…sometimes I over-think the very thought of reading to the point where I don’t get anything finished. Often, I’m too eager to start a new book to pay attention to the book I’m reading! It’s kind of embarrassing, calling myself a lit-lover, when for a week all I might read is an illustrated chapter from this book. As I’m reading it, I’m reminded of the animated series, and know everything the characters are about to say and do. Who knows? Maybe Winnie the Pooh is somehow subconsciously why I majored in English and want to make writing part of my life’s work.
I’ve also read two titles from Sharon Creech, and not too long ago (before I officially made that goals list) I reread The BFG. I think I may move on to The Magic Treehouse series next. What are your favorite children’s books?
some of my best memories are of reading to my kids. i was still reading to them long after they could read on their own because we all loved it so much. the house at pooh corner was a favorite as well as some sharon creech that i read with my daughter. another favorite was charlotte’s web and the narnia series. thanks for reminding me of those snuggly times with my kids. happy reading!
that is such a cute idea- a bunch of my childhood books actually decorate my apartment, so why not crack some of them open? i think it’d be neat to remember my memory of reading it, while actually reading it. and all the winnie the pooh stories are so sweet 🙂
I did that last year! I re-read two of my absolute favourite childhood books (in German) and I still love them 🙂
My favourite childhood book Emily of New Moon by LM Montgomery. I could always relate to Emily and I loved her like a best friend.
Aw, what a neat idea. It’s strange, I often think about books from my childhood and still have a few and have bought some antique ones along the way that I have yet to read. My favorites were the Clifford books, I swear my parents named me after the little girl ;]
♥ Emily
The Velveteen Rabbit comes to mind. But, my all time favorite writer Dr. Seuss. The man had a wonderful imagination and I thank him for changing my young attitude of reading was hard work to I can’t get enough.
I love having a little one and re-reading all my favorite books from when I was little! Particularly I love Madeline, Pee Wee Scouts, and Little Critter 🙂 And cheers to Winnie the Pooh, beautiful drawings and stories there.
I was really into fairy tales when I was younger so I downloaded The Brothers Grimm on my Kindle.
What a nice idea! My favorite books where always the Cat in the Hat.
I think we had exactly the same taste in books as children. Clearly, it’s a sign that we must become friends! I’ve been reading Winnie the Pooh lately as well. They’re just the most amazing books, and it’s the best way of relaxing after reading academic journals for uni all day 😛
Thanks so much for sharing. I love this little reminder of revelling in the adventures of a loveable bear, and can’t forget the BFG, my childhood hero!! 😀 Rhi xx
The Wildest of Dreams
such a wonderful idea and a great way to stay in touch with those memories.
Heres some of my favorites that I read with my son that I can remember as a little girl:
the giving tree, where the sidewalk ends, a light in the attic