Every now and then something reminds me why I set off to live a more conscious life to begin with. It hits me like a ton of bricks. Reading an article about unfair wages, a news story about injustices beyond my control, learning about yet another company with shady business practices that we all, it seems, must conform to. All of these have been little reminders this week, and the best thing I can do is in some small way make a difference. Even though the things that weigh on me lately have little to do with shopping or design, I like to think the things I write about will help someone else take that first step to a more conscious life too—even if it starts with buying your next blanket from one of the sites on my list as opposed to the mass-produced alternative. Even a blanket has its implications. Sometimes I don’t see it that way, and sometimes it’s the only lens through which I look at the world. When thinking of all these heavy topics, we make a choice to be hopeless or hopeful.It’s a conscious decision.
On a lighter note. I am also in the mood to shop because I believe in surrounding yourself with things that make you happy. If you’re going to splurge on something new for your home this year, consider supporting these companies.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be putting together different ethical shopping resource lists. This week is all things home. The one is relatively small and still a work in progress, so if you have a favorite home décor site, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me to get it added to the list! If you have a home décor biz yourself, would love to hear from you! As always, do a little research before shopping. For example, Etsy is on this list but there are plenty of not-so-legit people opening shop these days. I will try to pop in later to add price ranges. Enjoy!
abc carpet & home (depends on brand)
Beyond Marrakech
Connected Goods
Etsy (depends on shop)
Far & Wide Collective (Canada)
indego africa
Jayes Studio
Leah Singh
Maven Collection
Paddo to Palmy (Australia)
Raven + Lily
Rose and Fitzgerald
Uncommon Goods
Ten Thousand Villages
The Dharma Door
The Future Kept (UK)
The Little Market
Viva Terra
I know I left some big resources off here that I’ll remember later too. Happy shopping!
Can’t tell you how much I love this! I’m always looking into a company’s ethics, whether I’m buying food, clothes or household items! I’ll be checking out these shops for sure!