If you’ve shopped on Etsy for awhile, you may have seen Tel Aviv designer Lee Coren‘s products pop up every now and then. I know her landscape clutch as been on my favorites list for way too long now. Lee has owned her textile business for three years now, an accessories line that’s designed, sourced, and crafted locally and ethically. Today she’s sharing a peek into her creative studio by Aya Wind + a few amazing bags from her current collections. Take a look…
From Lee… When traveling, unfortunately to those who travel with me, I’m constantly stopping in order to capture moments—I don’t overthink it, it’s just my way of enjoying and processing my environment. It’s so important to listen to your heart and follow with the camera wherever it takes you. Only a month or two after I get back from a journey I look over the photos, creating an emotional gap necessary to observe them objectively. At this point I usually get surprised with photos I never remembered taking, or didn’t know how much I’ll love, or hate them when originally took. I pinpoint my favorite photos, and start playing with them on various shapes, colors, materials and so on. It’s about that annoying yet trustworthy gut feeling—and the overall result—how does it fit in my existing/upcoming line, does it have an added value? Does it speak loud or gets lost? Who is it for?
I couldn’t agree more. Go where you feel the pull, and record it somehow, whether in photos or writing or art. Lee also had a few words about the materials she chooses.
Working ethically has been an ideology since the very start of my business. I source and produce locally from vegan materials. I also always prefer using PU (polyurethane), which is less harmful for the environment than the PVC that is normally sourced for leather replacements, and of course, my all time companion—the raw cotton which most of my items are made from.
My designs are inspired by a mixture of two strong elements in my life, the urban surroundings and the need for escapism and a breath of fresh air. The collections feature handmade screen printed fabrics and original prints from scenery captured on camera that transformed into versatile essentials, built to last but never boring.
Isn’t Lee’s studio incredible? See these products + the full line at LeeCoren.com.