This month, I find myself with a little more time than usual. Yet, my list of things to do is like water–it spreads to fill whatever space of time I have, no matter how small or large. That’s why, what’s on the list needs to matter.
Instead of thinking of them as goals, which are more like plans, I think of them as resolutions: a microcosm of the habits I hope to form in 2014, wrapped tightly and packaged into one 30-day period. We are creatures of habit, and I think that one month of following my own resolutions isn’t quite as scary as an entire year. I mean, can you believe we’re already in March? I’m determined not to let it go by unnoticed.
I have 12 spring resolutions for this month, in hopes that I’ll form habits of things I actually want to do regularly, as opposed to those things I put on the to-do list and sigh about. January and February were months of much forced creativity. This spring, I resolve to act; to turn challenges into opportunities for something new. Here’s 5 of the 12 I’ve written down, in either daily or weekly installments… Let me know if any of these are on your March goals, too!
1. Read a new book or magazine each week.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast daily.
3. Go somewhere new each week.
4. Make/do something new for the apartment each week.
5. Step outside of my comfort zone each week.
Great plans (I love that they’re plans, not goals), I like all of them. Hope you’ll have a great month!
This is so exciting! I’m trying to eat healthier for March and get 3 meals a day, as well as sleeping a bit more and spending less time blankly surfing the internet. Although that’s kind of a life goal rather than a month one! Good luck with all of your plans X
it’s crazy how hard it is to eat 3 meals, let alone healthy meals, per day! and i agree, the internet takes up hours more than it should!
wow- those are good goals. not sure I can keep with that many! but I sure do feel then need to get back on my yoga mat. was doing so good fall through december. then, ppfffttt. nuttin’ honey. that’s my big personal mission this month, as well as work on the rebranding for Bates Mercantile Co. LOVE your comfort zone graphic. pinned it….what font did you use? looks awesome!
thanks for pinning! rebranding sounds like a big task! the font for the image is quicksand!
I love all of your goal’s Angela, they are each great habits to have! ♥