Before I go to bed at 9 pm from sheer exhaustion–mostly exhaustion of thoughts and plans and not actual actions–I wanted to post my very exciting news. After living just outside Seattle for almost my whole life, save for college which wasn’t too far either, I am moving to California–to Los Angeles! I’ve slowly felt more and more unsatisfied with living here in WA for awhile now since graduation, knowing that if I didn’t go on an adventure and explore a new city soon, I’d end up here forever, resenting my hometown (melodramatic, maybe, but how I feel, yes). I love Seattle, I love the Pacific Northwest, and it will forever be home, but I haven’t seen much of the world in my 23 years and I’m ready to try something new. I’m soso excited, too, because I found a job that will allow me to begin my career as opposed to just a place to work, and I am hoping that this is the perfect way to explore and build a future, too. Kevin and I will be traveling the 1200 something miles next month, and I’m happy and thrilled and terrified all at once. He seems to be handling it perfectly, though, as always.
I checked out some film photography to see different perspectives of LA and loved these three photos posted here. Definitely check out the links at the bottom for more from each artist. The crazy thing is that these photos could be totally incorrect representations of the city, and I wouldn’t really know! I guess I will find out!
The scariest part of moving is finding a place to live. If anyone has tips on finding an apartment when you’re not local: please help. Other than that, the other thing I am really worried about is my pre-move vacation….
Kevin and I planned a trip to California before I actually applied to the job. I had planned to ask you all for tips on flying, because I’m absolutely terrified… but now it seems I’ve launched myself into a much larger adventure than just an airplane ride! Still, I have a pretty debilitating fear of flying, and if you have any kind words that may help, they’d be much appreciated.
THERE. It’s all out–no more blogging without all my big plans laid out! Phew. 🙂 Have you moved far away before?
*Photos also on my Pinterest page.
PS: a happy coincidence that this is my 300th blog post 🙂
Congrats on the move! I have been feeling the same as you and contemplating a move out west for a year now. I am glad to see someone bit the bullet and take on a big move. I can’t wait to see your updates on the move.
My tip is to breathe. When the packing and moving seems overwhelming, take a moment to breathe and remember that in the end it is all worth it.
Good luck!
Thank you! It’s been almost a year since I got the idea in my head and I’m happy to finally be on my way!
First of all, congrats! I’m so excited for you! 🙂
Tips on flying: if you’re nervous, bring a good book to distract you during takeoff and landing. And make sure it’s a real book on paper, because they make you turn your kindle off during those times.
As for the move, I recommend leaving your clothes on the hangers. Just drape them over something else in the car, and let other stuff go in the moving truck. You also might want to consider buying some new furniture when you get to LA, especially if it will be a pain to haul some of your current items that far. (Anything that’s extremely heavy or big, for example.) That stuff can be sold on Craigslist and you can use the money toward something new.
That’s a good idea with the clothes! I’m also thinking of putting a bunch of stuff in bags instead of boxes to save space. Thanks!
Oh my gosh, how exciting!!!! I was born in Northern CA and lived there until right before high school, when I moved to Spokane… after about 15 years of living in Spokane, I knew it was time to go, and the hubby and I now live in Oregon, and Love it here!! Relocating is a big deal, it’s scary and exciting all at the same time, so I’m glad your bf is going with you because that will make the whole thing that much easier, having someone by your side through it all. 🙂
I haven’t spent a lot of time in Southern CA, but I can say expect a lot of sunshine, traffic, and high fashion. LOL.
As for flying, KNOW that it will all be over in an hour or two at most, and so they say, flying is much safer than driving… I like to take an allergy pill or something that will make me sleepy so I can just take a nap during the flight… sometimes that’s the most helpful. I don’t like flying either, but I love how much time it saves, so you can get where you are trying to go, and be on with your vacation!
Now I want to know what kind of job you got, I am so excited for you!!
Congratulations!! 🙂
It’s great to think of flying as how much time you’re saving to get on with your day 🙂
Looks like you’ve had a lot of adventures here on the west coast too — I know that southern CA is way different than WA and OR but I’m definitely ready for adventure.
Thank you for the tips!!
Lots of luck with your move!
Congratulations.. You must be really excited.. All the best.. I’m a new blogger… Do visit my blog..
Wow, that is so amazing! Congrats on the new job and good for you for taking on such a huge adventure. That’s great your boyfriend is moving with you down there so you have someone to explore and share the city with! I can’t wait to hear about the city and see photos!
Congrats on moving to LA!!! I know how much of an adventure it is to move to a new city. I moved to NYC after college a few years ago and I had no idea what to do next. I just moved!
I couldn’t afford an apt in NYC so I actually found roommates in NYC which was interesting and a bit scary. I met some awesome and scary people too. Since are you moving with your boyfriend I’m sure it’s easy to find an apartment instead of roommates. I would start off with Craigslist and perhaps ask people what are considering the ‘affordable’ areas in LA. Since it’s so large you don’t really know where the good and affordable neighborhoods are.
I’m also happy to hear you have a job already. Thats amazing. I didn’t have a job and just went to NYC hoping things laid out which they did.
I would definitely suggest getting rid of unnecessary furniture. If you don’t have any type of emotional attachment to it then you don’t need it. I would also consider shipping your books for example. It’s pretty affordable and it would save room while moving. I moved like 4 boxes of heavy science books for about $100 when I moved to Virginia.
Good luck with you move!! Can’t wait to hear about your adventures.
That’s so awesome that you hoped things would work out and they did 🙂
Thanks for all the advice! I’m definitely packing light and will mail if I need to. Thank you for all the tips!
I really like it when folks get together and share opinions.
Great site, keep it up!