December is an exciting month for many reasons, but for me relaunching my blog is is number one. It’s difficult for anyone to make blogging a priority when they have full workloads and so much else happening outside the browser window. For me, I blog all day long for work too, so it’s easy to unconsciously put everything in the same pile and lose perspective. Anyway, it seems I always choose to go for it at terribly inconvenient times, so here I am posting during my busiest month of all!
Bare with me while I work out all the kinks, namely duplicate posts (and a few missing ones) on the home page and any broken links floating around out there—I decided the moment I took on more freelance work that I’d like to also learn to code this site (not recommended, by the way). You can peruse all the new categories I’ve added to if found, make. at the top. Find is for small business and creative features, make is for all things DIY; learn is dedicated to creating a creative career, and explore is where all my travels + adventures fall. Speaking of, I’ll be posting about my trip home to the Pacific Northwest tomorrow! If you’d like to follow along, update your reader with the new URL and let me know what you think.
Congrats on the new site, girl!! I love how it looks and am excited to see what you do with it 🙂
Thanks Daisy! 🙂
It’s so beautiful!