The more I read (and write) about self care and the importance of doing you when you need to, it seems, the less I take care of myself. I can write about it all day, and I can even put off those anxiety-inducing projects in the name of “needing time” (which only makes it worse, I admit), but taking actual steps to incorporate regular self care (and just plain happiness) into my day is quite a lot harder than it seems. In coming across a lot of cozy fall wonderfulness that I totally want to indulge in this season (and in working on Moorea Seal’s 52 Lists Projects which really opened my eyes to the simple things I don’t spend nearly enough time enjoying), I decided to put together a few ideas for treating yourself this fall. I hope you’ll pick one (or 5) and go for it!
1. Bundle up and go out for a quintessential fall walk. But of course, you’ll need something to cuddle inside first, like this silk scarf from Far & Wide Collective. I love the color blush, and I find it perfectly fitting for curling up on autumn days, despite it’s bright hue.
2. Create your own at home spa day with pretty bath soaps like these from Saipua at Follain. I’m personally on a lipstick kick, so I’d say after a day of pampering, why not get all dolled up and throw on a pretty fall dress for a happy hour with friends?
3. Curl up with a good book or two. Duh! My current reads are this version of Emerson’s writings and Moorea Seal‘s 52 Lists Project, which I had the chance to buy in her Seattle shop at the start of fall.
4. Make yourself a drink! Whether it’s a warm cup of coffee you brewed at home from beans you splurged on at your favorite cafe (49th Parallel makes me all sorts of nostalgic for my first year in LA, which is where I first discovered them) or a pretty cocktail you recreated from Pinterest (I have quite a few on the list myself), make sure it’s in a lovely cup, like this tinware mug from Accompany.
5. I’m all for curling up on the couch in the fall, but I think it’s extra nice when I have a new blanket (especially that of the handmade or fair trade variety, like the eco throw from the future kept or blackberry alpaca blanket from Accompany). I started crocheting one, but for California, I like how light the two throws pictured are.
How would you create your perfect fall day? I feel like I’ve been spoiled with sunny, but still completely fall days here in Seattle. I’m headed back to Los Angeles next week, and feel so torn between the two places I call home yet so lucky to be able to spend time in both versions of my favorite season. But more on that later.
Fall blankets are the best!