if you’re following my posts over on The Blog Market, you might’ve seen my studio progress. i’ve thrown myself into making this space a real studio in the past month. i’ve had it for over a year but i didn’t know quite where to start, plus for awhile i thought we might move. but! no matter when that happens, it always helps to be surrounded by inspiring things.
quotes always inspire me, but not just the same ones i see floating around Pinterest. i think we all have those words that move us and motivate us. when i started collaborating with Rachel of ps lettering shop, i got to bring some of those words to life.
these handlettered quotes are the perfect pieces for my new inspiration board. i have a few photos of the progress, but it’s still at this halfway point. once it’s finished, as well as some other art pieces and this little reading nook i’ve been dreaming up (which is not possible without a cozy chair, and i haven’t found the right one yet!), i’ll share the whole space.
i’ve also been trying to keep this desk clean for once! i’ve done pretty well at not getting toooo messy the last couple weeks since scrubbing it and the floors and windows down and it’s made such a difference in how i work. now if only i would stop getting distracted by the cluttered livingroom and the dishes!
a word after a word after a word is power.
this, i think, is my favorite mantra. and i have a lot of mantras! i can’t tell you how in love with Rachel’s work i am. she absolutely adores doing custom work because she likes to create meaningful pieces. if you are in need of a print or to, absolutely get in touch with her. now. NOW!
i told her i was looking for a softer color palette for my office. i love the black lettering but didn’t want it to look too out of place. so she did these pretty watercolor backgrounds. at the risk of overusing the word inspiring in this post (i already have, i know), it’s so inspiring to be able to look at something that just feels so “me” right before i get writing or creating.
i’ve also been working with some other talented women to decorate – both the office and the rest of the apartment. remember my tips on finding conscious home decor? i’ve basically been taking it extra, super to heart lately. the orca print is from the talented jess weymouth who is based in southern california and i had the pleasure of stopping by her booth at a small LA fair last month. her whales, crystals, and celestial pieces really speak to me for so many reasons. lastly, i also have these woven coasters from heygirlmarket based in costa rica that you’ll be seeing more of. andreina is behind the whole brand and she is dedicated to seeing the artisans in her community thrive and i’m really thrilled to support that.
you can shop handlettered pieces from ps lettering shop on etsy. stop by my post on The Blog Market to grab a special discount code on orders over $5. PLEASE tag me if you end up snagging a piece from her. i would love to see how you styled it.