Though I’ve bought everything from handmade beauty products to wall art to supplies on Etsy, I haven’t ventured too far into other handmade marketplaces online. Brika always pops up in my searches though. There are many of the same sellers there as on Etsy, though Brika is quite a lot more exclusive, with an application process and a special spot just for highlighting makers. Each designer gets essentially an about page about their shop, rather than a profile. I haven’t bought anything from this site yet, even though it’s been around for long enough that I probably should’ve by now. Lately, I’ve found more and more shops to bookmark for my style or space or to give as gifts.
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Each of these 9 shops have a little somethin’ of note. I’ve noticed a lot of candles and soaps on Brika and I never get enough of relaxing / refreshing scents and a little pampering so you can see I keep returning to these types of makers. Doesn’t Woodlot take the best photos? I also recently purchased one of those dishes from Redraven Studios at a boutique here in Los Angeles, to use for little misc things in my studio. I am so in love with the Redraven tabletop that I couldn’t help but get a little slice of the collection. Are you a shopper or maker on Brika?