Maybe you like January. It’s a fresh start. The stress of the holidays are over. Maybe you celebrate important birthdays this month. There are lots of reasons. Though January is special because we have an anniversary to celebrate and also because I love making plans for the year, this isn’t my favorite month. In college it didn’t have the newness of fall or the hope of summer break that spring quarter had. Holidays don’t stress me out, I just love them, so in January, all the crafting and prep that led up, over. The weather isn’t great though now that I’m in LA I love the coolness and revel in not needing the AC. For a lot of reason January (and February while we’re at it) can bum a girl out. I decided to try to turn all that around in 2016. And half way through the month seemed like good a time as any to get started… Ha. Now, ideas, for those of you in the same boat. [Read more…] about How to make the most of January