So I’ve had an idea to start a journaling community for a while now. Last week, I wrote out my tips for starting a daily practice of journaling and why I decided to change the way I journal. One thing I want to be more open to is sharing. Not sharing usually takes the pressure off, as I’m pretty private (believe it or not), but it’s not worth missing out on the community that forms when you share what you’re making. Not only do I want to create a space where that’s possible, but that we encourage each other to keep creating. I plan to set everything up for a successful community that shares via blogs + social so we can start the new year off with a fresh approach to creating. I think it will take me about 1000 blog posts to share all my feelings about this—there are SO many reasons why a different approach to the typical journaling practice will help me (and all of us) in our creativity, wellness, and even businesses—but let’s start with why. Why should you journal? It’s about more than simply having “someone” to talk to when our friends aren’t around. [Read more…] about 5 Reasons to Start a Journal (+ an announcement)
journaling club
How to Make Journaling a Daily Practice
I’ve always journaled. It’s a necessary practice. Even before I thought of why I record, I recorded. All my work can be traced back to the journal. I’ve blogged about art journals + inspiration since college, but realized that I’ve been journaling differently lately. For the last two years, the process of journaling hasn’t been as beneficial to me or my work as in the past. It’s become a place to write down thoughts—but then throw them on the shelf and not reflect further. Journaling is about more than the flow from the pen to paper, so it’s time to start practicing again, take these records, and use them in the process of creation.