This post is a long time comin’ but I thought it’d be best to really get going before doing a full feature on a project I’ve been working on, The Blog Market. TBM is a website dedicated to providing resources for creative + productive blogging. It was founded by Jennifer of Earl Grey, who loves sharing her passion for design + websites. Here’s a little background on her inspiration behind The Blog Market…
I always meet people who are interested in blogging but don’t know where to start. Blogging involves a lot of steps (design, networking, content development) and while there are endless resources out there, sometimes it’s hard to know where to look. The Blog Market stemmed from a desire to make those resources accessible to everybody. I’m hoping that through our content, we’ll be able to show others that designing and maintaining a blog is more fun than it is stressful.
Once Jenn told me about her lovely idea, I was happy to get involved. Like I’ve mentioned before, I think writing and creating is a process, and a lot of that process gets lost online. Since December, we’ve posted on a bunch of topics from CSS tutorials (that would be all Jenn, btw!) to Etsy tips. Click the photos below to go to some of our faves so far…
(Her CSS Basics series is v-i-t-a-l.)
We’ve received a ton of great feedback about The Blog Market so far and I’m really excited for the year. Be sure to find my weekly posts on the blog + sign up for the forums to join the community.