October got off to a rocky start with me struggling to process so many horrific things on the news and us having to deal with some issues back in LA, but it’s a new week and Monday has (let’s not jinx it now) gotten off to a surprisingly lovely start. Did anyone work on the writing ideas I blogged about over the summer? Last time I posted, it was all about creative nonfiction. I didn’t go with a specific theme, but this month I wanted more of them to go with the season. I just started Moorea Seal’s 52 Lists Project so fall is on my mind even more so. My goal this month is to pick back up with journaling, so these twenty things to write about will have a home there:
twenty things to write about in October
one. Write down everything the month of October represents to you.
two. Similarly, write down all fall keywords that come to mind. Then, write about the season using terms not on that list.
three. Google photos of one of your favorite places, and imagine what you’d be doing if you were there right now.
four. Create a guide to having the perfect day in your hometown.
five. What were you doing this time last year? How have things changed or stayed the same?
six. When has the most monumental change in your life occurred? How did you cope with the change?
seven. Describe your most memorable Halloween experience, good or bad.
eight. Speaking of, are you into horror films or spooky activities for Halloween, and what do you think the point of intentionally being scared is, anyway?
nine. How do you know it’s time for a change in your life? Write about the triggers that get the ball rolling.
ten. Write about where you feel most at home. Keep “where” as open as you’d like.
eleven. What’s one fall drink or dish you’d indulge in year-round?
twelve. Describe what comfort means to you.
thirteen. Have you started reflecting on the year so far yet? This is the last season in 2015, so take some time to think back on the past nine months.
fourteen. What’s your ideal wardrobe in fall? Is there away you can accomplish at least some of that on your budget?
fifteen. Remember the excitement of a new school year, and if you’re out of school now, write about whether you still channel that in the fall, or has that moved to another time of year?
sixteen. Make a list of all the books you planned to read this year–it’s the perfect season to check some off the list.
seventeen. Are there things you can only do in October? Log them so you remember to do all the things you want to this month.
eighteen. Learn how to bake something new this season and document the process.
nineteen. Take a nature walk and write about anything you haven’t seen before.
twenty. Are you the type of person who embraces or shies away from change? How has that affected your actions?
Let me know if you do any journaling this October!
Hey Angela,
I’m definitely loving numbers 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20! All great ideas, definitely might use some of these ideas and write about them on my blog. Thank you for the inspiration!
I love these!
Well since I’m starting over on the blog front, I’m enjoying this list so much Angela! 🙂
I used to think that Spring was my favorite season, because of things finally sprouting and growing again, but lately, seriously… there are so many things about Fall, and the beginning of the holidays that just make me *squeee*…
Hope things are looking up for you this week, hon!