When I started writing over at The Blog Market I fully intended to keep this blog more of a priority and have TBM be for the most part, a side project. That way, it stays more of a creative outlet for me which is important when a lot of what I do quickly turns from that to work that can become a little stressful at times. The Blog Market has grown a ton over the past few months and we really want to keep the momentum going! I love sharing the things I’ve learned from owning a business or freelancing or working in social media so it makes sense that TBM has become more of a commitment for me this summer. Jennifer feels pretty similarly, and it’s so great because she has lots to share too. These posts in particular have been a few of my faves this summer.
How to Style Borders in CSS :: If you’ve been reading along on The Blog Market, you know that Jennifer is kind of a pro with CSS and she shares her secrets every now and then. Before moving to WordPress, I had no idea so many of the things I wanted to do design-wise required or were more effective when done in CSS. This borders tutorial is definitely one to bookmark now and follow when it’s time to implement some on your site.
How to Deal with Design Indecision :: I always feel like I want to change things up with my blog design, Instagram feed, personal branding, you name it. And though there are a ton of talented people who seem to have it down, I’ve also met a lot of creative people like me too — we have ideas, too many really, and just sometimes have trouble narrowing it down. This post may also help if you’re a total perfectionist and can never seem to settle, letting it hinder your productivity.
25 Summer Blog Post Ideas :: Laidback blog ideas to help you keep your blog up consistently during the summer while you’re off on adventures. With these posts we like to come up with ideas that will actually get you out crafting, photographing, or exploring so that you’re not just writing content to write, but really sharing your experience.
Instagram Tips for Blogging & Business :: We’ve been putting weekly resources together for months now, but have recently started to try a more focused approach. Last week’s Instagram tips were a real hit because who doesn’t want to grow their Instagram following? IG is huge right now and it’s not fading away any time soon so better check out the resources in this list (we link to some great advice in the post itself) for tips!